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Pi Yonghua,Secretary of the Party Working in Bantian street of Shenzhen——Visited KTC Company
( Source:KTC   /   Send time:2017-02-22 )

On February 21st, Pi Yonghua,Secretary of the Party Working in Bantian street in Shenzhen), led a team to visit KTC company. Ling Bing,President of KTC company; Xun Jianhua,General manager of business development department;Zhang Huiling,General manager of business administration, attended the meeting and showed our distinguished guest exhibition hall and party-masses activity center and campus environment .


At the symposium,President Ling firstly expressed gratitude for the strong support got from all levels governments in Shenzhen,and then introduced KTC's development in recent year and future plan,as well as the problems encountered in the process of development. Secretary Pi asked about our company's production, R&D, product and employees' living conditions,and fully affirmed the achievements KTC achieved in recent years. At the same time,he said he will actively coordinate various departments to give a hand to solve the problems and difficulties existed in KTC. He hopes that KTC can continue to spare no efforts to  provide continuous power for Longgang economic development in the future.


Pi Yonghua,Secretary of the Party Working in Bantian street of Shenzhen——Visited KTC Company


Pi Yonghua,Secretary of the Party Working in Bantian street of Shenzhen——Visited KTC Company

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